Explore faith in depth


Spectrum is a community for Christians of all denominations who subscribe to our aims to explore their faith. Although we have strong Methodist links we welcome all main line Christians to join or participate so that we can learn from one another in a spirit of love. Spectrum encourages groups and individuals, lay and ministerial, to explore the Christian faith in depth. We welcome open debate to encourage spiritual growth in groups and individuals.We were once known as Fellowship of the Kingdom for Methodist Ministers only but since becoming “Spectrum” we are open to all Christians of all persuasions willing to be involved in deeper discussion about our Faith If you have noted our past conferences they have covered a wide spectrum of topics hence the name. We are open to people of any age and gender.


From Tuesday 6th May, 2025 to Thursday 8th May 2025

   Is at The Highgate House Conference Centre, Grooms Lane, Creaton, Northants NN6 8NN,

More details on the Reflection page

Following our conferences we produce Study Papers for groups or individuals prepared by the Conference speakers. Some past “Explore” Study Papers can be downloaded but the latest Study papers are only available to members currently.  Members should have received copies recently, if not use “Contact Us” or the contacts on the “Contact page” if you know to whom you wish to direct your message for it to be rectified, assuming your subscription is up to date!  Membership details are on theCommunity page. The subscription is at least £20 per annum to join and entitles you to our printed material. If you have not updated or paid your subscription you will stop receiving Magazines and printed material. If you believe you should have the printed materials but have not received them please contact Rob Anning or Carrie Seaton by using the Contact Us page as below

Use the Contact Us link if you wish to contact us. We will get back to you as soon as possible. Please note that a number of key people have changed to correspond with that on the back page of “Engage” 

Note that the “Contact Us”link  must not be used for commercial purpose. All attempts to do so will be ignored

If you believe you should have received magazines but they have not been received , having paid your subscription (Minimum £20!) then visit the Contacts page” or visit the Community page to find the subs form to update your details to the change of address and send to Richard Bielby who will follow up the change. 


If you have any photographs you would like to share of the Spectrum conferences you have attended for use on this websitethen email the webmaster.who will consider them for uploading to the our website.But please keep the image fairly small to save the Webmaster reducing the size in pixels




last edited on 20th December, 2024 at 15:48
